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Barring Gays From the Priesthood (4 Letters)
Published: September 24, 2005 - New York Times To the Editor: Re "Vatican Expected to Exclude Gays as New Priests" (front page, Sept. 22): Presumably, the Roman Catholic Church's concern about gays in the priesthood stems from a desire to protect children from sexual abuse by priests. If that is true, then it would be wise for the church to look at the data before deciding on a plan of action. Reliable studies show that pedophiles (those adults who sexually abuse children) are overwhelmingly heterosexual. In fact, homosexuals are statistically underrepresented as those who sexually abuse children. What is forgotten in all of the hysteria about priest sexual abuse is that pedophilia is about a sexual attraction to children (most often, regardless of their sex) and about access. If priests are overwhelmingly abusing boys, it is not about their being homosexual but about that being the population to which they have access. Further, women have far lower rates of sexually abusing children than men do. So if the church were really serious about protecting children from sexual abuse by priests, gays would not be excluded from the priesthood and ordination would be extended to women. Kathryn Conroy New York, Sept. 22, 2005 The writer is assistant dean at the Columbia University School of Social Work. • To the Editor: As a heterosexual Episcopal priest who has been a close friend and colleague to several Roman Catholic priests over the years, some gay, some not, I find the Vatican's plan to bar homosexuals, even those who are celibate, from becoming priests not only wrongheaded but also sad and self-defeating. Celibacy itself, once recognized as a charism, a gift from God to a selected few, was wrongly imposed on the entire guild of the ordained; now to add this layer of self-hatred could sink the church. Clearly, this is intended to prove to the world the church's determination to rid itself of the plague of pedophilia. That is a separate issue. This will only further demoralize a once noble vocation. Blayney Colmore Jacksonville, Vt., Sept. 22, 2005 • To the Editor: You report that now "homosexuals, even those who are celibate, will be barred from becoming Roman Catholic priests." Brothers, let me extend my hand to you in our mutual exclusion. I am a woman. In consolation, remember: those who are first will be last. Denise D. Cordes West Chester, Pa., Sept. 22, 2005 • To the Editor: Why doesn't the church bar priests who have sex with children? That would be less controversial and more to the point. Heather Finn Hartford, Sept. 22, 2005 ローマ・カトリック教会当局者「独身であっても同性愛者が司祭になることは許されない」 - NYT
by alfayoko2005
| 2005-09-24 16:59
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