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結婚パーティー開催のゲイ26人逮捕 アラブ首長国連邦
2005年11月30日19時44分 朝日 アラブ首長国連邦の警察当局は、結婚パーティーを開いたとしてゲイの男性ら26人を逮捕した。同国では同性愛は違法。警察幹部が逮捕した男性らにホルモン投与などを行うと発言したことから、米政府が懸念を表明する騒ぎとなっている。 ロイター通信などによると、アブダビ郊外のホテルで11月、26人が男性同士の結婚パーティーを開いていたところ、警察に逮捕された。イスラム教が同性愛を禁じているため、イスラム圏の多くの国で同性愛は犯罪となる。アラブ首長国連邦の場合、最高でむち打ちと懲役5年の刑。 警察幹部は「違法な性的指向を治療するため、ホルモン投与を含む医学的、心理的治療を行う」と述べた。これに対し、米国務省のマコーマック報道官は28日、「国際的な基準と法に従うべきだ」と語った。 世界保健機関(WHO)は93年、「国際疾病分類」から同性愛の項目を削除。治療対象となる「障害」ではないとしており、日本も同様の基準を採用している。 Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 AM U.S. blasts gay arrests in Emirates By JIM KRANE The Associated Press DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Washington has condemned the United Arab Emirates' arrest of more than two dozen gays at what police called a mass homosexual wedding and warned that any attempt to treat detainees with male hormones would violate international law. Police raided a hotel chalet near Abu Dhabi earlier this month and arrested 22 Emirati men and three Arabs from neighboring countries, the Interior Ministry said Saturday. Police reported finding a dozen men dressed as brides and a dozen others in male Arab dress, apparently preparing for a mock marriage ceremony. The authorities said the detainees, some of whom had been arrested before, are likely to be tried on charges related to adultery and prostitution. They also said the men would be tested for male-hormone levels and could possibly face government-ordered hormone injections. In criticizing the arrests, U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said in a statement Monday: "We call on the government of the United Arab Emirates to immediately stop any ordered hormone and psychological treatment and to comply with the standards of international law." An Interior Ministry official close to the investigation said on Tuesday that hormones would be given only with the suspects' consent — either as a sentence-reduction option if found guilty in court or voluntarily before trial. Outward homosexual behavior is banned in the United Arab Emirates and most other Arab countries. The arrested men were undergoing psychological evaluation last week. The Interior Ministry's department of social support has said it would try to direct the men away from homosexual behavior, including recommending male hormone treatment if the men are found to be deficient. Local newspapers have published grainy photos of the suspects, showing some of the "brides" wearing sleeveless dresses and what appeared to be wigs and kneeling at the feet of the "grooms." Last Updated: Tuesday, 29 November 2005, 18:39 GMT US condemns UAE gay men arrests BBC The US has condemned the arrests of 26 gay men during a raid on a party at a hotel in the United Arab Emirates earlier this month. Washington also warned the UAE that any attempt to administer hormone or psychological treatment would break international law. Police launched on Tuesday disciplinary proceedings against an officer who published photos taken during the raid, but did not respond to the criticism. Homosexuality is illegal in the UAE. Police arrested 22 UAE men, one Indian, and three Arabs from neighbouring states at a hotel in Ghantut in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, the Interior Ministry said on Saturday. The authorities said 12 of the men had been dressed in women's clothes and make-up in preparation for a gay wedding. Hormone therapy A police spokesman said the foreigners were likely to be deported, while the Emirati men could be given hormone therapy if they consent. The BBC's Gulf correspondent, Julia Wheeler, says there is a suggestion that agreeing to such treatment could be used as a bargaining tool for a reduction in an individual's sentence. US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said his government condemned both the arrests and government-ordered hormone and psychological treatment. "We call on the government of the United Arab Emirates to immediately stop any ordered hormone and psychological treatment and to comply with the standards of international law," he said. In the UAE there have been a number of cases of arrests of homosexuals in recent years, and a nightclub in Dubai was closed down for allowing an openly gay night to be held on its premises, our correspondent says. One religious scholar has now called on parents to be vigilant of what he called "deviant" behaviour in their children. Policeman disciplined Images of the suspects taken by a policeman on his mobile phone appeared in local newspapers shortly after the arrests. Lt Col Najm Abdullah al-Sayar said the police had launched disciplinary proceedings against the policeman. "[The officer] photographed the young men with his mobile phone while they were being arrested and distributed the pictures," he said. "He has infringed on the privacy of the people involved in the case and this is something that goes against the proper conduct of the police force. He is under investigation and may ultimately be expelled from the force."
by alfayoko2005
| 2005-11-30 21:28
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