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クリスチャン・トゥデイ2005-12-06 16:07
フォーカス・オン・ザ・ファミリー、取引銀行と契約解除 同性愛団体への献金めぐり キリスト教保守派に区分される団体、米フォーカス・オン・ザ・ファミリー(以下、FOTF)が長期にわたって取引を続けてきた米大手銀行、ウェルズ・ファーゴとの契約を打ち切っていたことを明かした。同行による「同性愛者のための行き過ぎた計画」が理由という。 FOTFは、伝統的なキリスト教の家庭観に基づいて家庭の保護や夫婦・親子間の問題解決を支援する宣教団体。米国内では最大規模の組織として知られ、日本の「ファミリー・フォーカス・ジャパン」(神奈川県横浜市)とも協力関係にある。 FOTFの声明によると、同性愛擁護団体「GLAAD」が活動のための寄付金を募集していたところ、ウェルズ・ファーゴ側が献金を申し出たという。 FOTFは同行に説明を求めたが、同行から返答はなく、FOTFは解約を決定した。当時の預金総額は明かされていない。 AP通信社の取材に対し、同行副頭取のクリス・ハモンド氏はGLAADに5万ドル(約600万円)を贈与したと明かしたが、献金ではないと主張しているという。同氏は「当行が多様性を受け入れる組織として、さまざまな団体を支援できることを誇りに思う」「同性愛者の共同体の活動を支援したことをうれしく思う」などと語った。 GLAAD広報担当は声明で「感謝すべきことに、性愛の対象に基づいて人を差別することがビジネスの世界でお勧めできないばかりか、根本的な過ちであることを、全米が知ることになった」と述べた。 これに対し、FOTFは「われわれは同性愛者個人やウェルズ・ファーゴ職員を排除しているのではない」と述べ、これまで同行が協力者として長年すばらしい働きをしたと評価した。一方で、「われわれの決断は個人的理由からではなく、信念に基づくものである。支援者を始めとする多くの人々がわれわれの決断を誇りに思うと、われわれは信じる」とした。 高柳泉 takayanagi@chtoday.co.jp Tuesday, December 6, 2005 Wells Fargo dumped over gay 'agenda' Focus on Family cites contributions made by bank By DAVID MILSTEAD SCRIPPS HOWARD NEWS SERVICE Focus on the Family is looking for a new bank, saying it's dumping Wells Fargo for its "pro-homosexual agenda." The Colorado Springs, Colo.-based Christian group told its followers about the move Thursday. Focus on the Family said that a "pivotal reason" the San Francisco-based bank is getting the ax is that its logo was used in a fund-raising campaign for a "fight against the 'anti-gay industry' -- a group that pro-gay organizations have stated includes Focus on the Family." Wells Fargo had agreed to match contributions to a media-campaign fund for GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. But its logo got attached to a fund-raising Internet advertising campaign that raised Focus on the Family's ire. Chris Hammond, a vice president of business development for Wells Fargo in the San Francisco Bay Area, said the bank did not have advance knowledge of the advertisement and did not approve of it. Top GLAAD executives could not be reached for comment. "We simply made a grant to one of many non-profits Wells Fargo supports in the San Francisco Bay Area," Hammond said. He said he'd "personally had a conversation" with Focus on the Family in order to smooth the situation and told the group that Wells Fargo contributes to multiple charities "including non-profit agencies Focus on the Family believes in." The Christian group was not mollified and broadened its criticism. Focus on the Family said the parking lot of a Wells Fargo branch in San Francisco "has been home to the infamous 'Leather Alley' event at the city's Gay Pride Festival." Focus on the Family cites Wells Fargo's Web site as saying the bank has donated more than $14 million to "pro-gay organizations during the past twenty years." One of the "pro-homosexual advocacy groups" that Wells Fargo supports is the Human Rights Campaign, Focus on the Family said. The bank says "we direct our giving to areas that we believe are important to the future of our nation's vitality and success: community development, education and human services." James Dobson, Focus on the Family's chairman, told group followers that Wells Fargo was part of a larger trend in which "gay and lesbian activist groups have picked off all the big companies in the United States." Focus CEO Jim Daly said 49 of the Top 50 Fortune 500 companies "have adopted pro-gay policies. Looking at the entire list, 85 percent of the Top 500 companies have done so."
by alfayoko2005
| 2005-12-06 19:37
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