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ストーンズの過激歌詞カット 「スーパーボウル」ハーフタイムショー - 産経
≪"ジャネット事件"反省≫ 【ロサンゼルス=岡田敏一】米ミシガン州デトロイトで5日に開催された米プロフットボール(NFL)の決勝戦「スーパーボウル」のハーフタイムショーに、英大物ロックバンド、ローリング・ストーンズが出演したが、演奏中、テレビ局側が過激な歌詞の一部を勝手にカットする一幕があった。 バンドは「スタート・ミー・アップ」「ラフ・ジャスティス」「サティスファクション」の3曲を計約12分間にわたり演奏したが、前の2曲のなかで、性行為や同性愛をにおわせる歌詞の音声が突然、カットされた。 一昨年のハーフタイムショーで米女性歌手ジャネット・ジャクソンさんが胸を露出して、大騒動になった反省から、テレビ局は実際のバンドの演奏を5秒遅れで放送する措置をとった。その上で、歌詞の一部が放送にふさわしくないと局側が判断したためだという。 【2006/02/07 大阪夕刊から】 (02/07 16:04) スーパーボウルのハーフタイム、ストーンズは歌詞規制を承諾 2006年 02月 7日 火曜日 12:57 JST [ニューヨーク 6日 ロイター] 米ナショナルフットボールリーグ(NFL)の決勝戦、スーパーボウルのハーフタイム・ショー出演にあたり、ローリング・ストーンズが歌詞規制について事前に承諾していたことが分かった。NFLの広報担当者が6日に明らかにした。 スーパーボウルは米国内では最高視聴率番組の1つ。2004年のハーフタイム・ショーでは「衣装の不具合」でジャネット・ジャクソンの胸が露になり抗議が殺到していた。 ローリング・ストーンズは通常通りのパフォーマンスを行ったが、「Start Me Up」や「Rough Justice」の演奏中、過激な歌詞の一部がカットされた。 NFLの広報担当者はロイターに対し「ローリング・ストーンズは、しかるべき個所でマイクの音量を一時的に下げるという我々の計画を承知していた」と述べた。 一方、スーパーボウルを放送したABCテレビは、「歌詞の変更があったとすれば、それはNFLの意向によるものだ」としている。 Rolling Stones agreed to Super Bowl censorship By Claudia Parsons Reuters Monday, February 6, 2006; 1:17 PM NEW YORK (Reuters) - Veteran rockers the Rolling Stones agreed to be censored at Sunday's U.S. Super Bowl halftime show, a National Football League spokesman said on Monday. The Super Bowl football game is America's top rated broadcast event but it has been the subject of controversy ever since 2004 when there was an outcry about indecency after Janet Jackson bared her breast during the half-time show in what was famously described as a "wardrobe malfunction." The Rolling Stones delivered their usual slick rock 'n' roll performance with Mick Jagger stalking the stage, grinding his hips and pouting like a man half his age. But during "Start Me Up," the line "you make a dead man come" was cut short and a barnyard reference to "cocks" in the new song "Rough Justice" also disappeared. "The Rolling Stones were aware of our plan which was to simply lower the volume on his microphone at those two appropriate moments," NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy told Reuters. "We had agreed to that plan earlier in the week. The Stones were aware of it and they were fine with it." ABC, which broadcast the Super Bowl, said it had a 5-second delay in place but it was not used to censor anything during the broadcast. "If there were any alterations of lyrics it was done by the NFL," said Mark Mandel of ABC Sports. The New York Times said last week the Stones had agreed to tone down their language on other occasions in the past. Back in 1967 the band appeared on "The Ed Sullivan Show" on the same day as the first Super Bowl, which was then called the world championship game. They wanted to sing "Let's Spend the Night Together," but Sullivan insisted they change the lyrics to "Let's Spend Some Time Together." "Jagger consented, reluctantly, but rolled his eyes while he sang," the newspaper said. McCarthy said the half-time show retained 98 percent of the overall audience who tuned in to watch the game, in which the Pittsburgh Steelers defeated the Seattle Seahawks 21-10. With the Super Bowl played in Detroit this year, the choice of the Stones for the half-time show upset some locals who were pushing for Motown music acts and other home-grown talent. But the uproar was quelled after organizers announced that Motown legend Stevie Wonder would headline the pregame show, and "Queen of Soul" Aretha Franklin was tapped to perform the National Anthem. McCarthy said the only moment producers were caught unawares was when Stevie Wonder said a few extra words than what was expected. He made a plea for peace at the end of his set, saying: "Let us come together before we're annihilated." "Surprised, yes. Concerned? No," McCarthy said, commenting on the remark. ♪ 問題の二曲の歌詞(太字はカットされた部分) Start Me Up Rough Justice
by alfayoko2005
| 2006-02-07 18:55
| ジェンダー・セックス
ファン申請 |