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パリで同性愛パレード、全身ペイントの参加者も (ロイター)
[パリ 24日 ロイター] フランスのパリでは24日、毎年の恒例行事となっている同性愛者によるパレード「ゲイプライド」が開催された。参加者は色とりどりのメイクや衣装で着飾り、中には全身ペイントで観衆の注目を集めるグループもお目見えした。 また中米パナマ市でもこの日、同性愛者による差別反対や、同性愛者同士による結婚の権利を訴えるデモ行進が行われ、こちらでは2002年ミスユニバースのジャスティン・パセクさんがレンボーフラッグを手に行進する姿などがみられた。 [ 2006年6月25日16時1分 ] Politicians' backing cheers French gay pride march Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:56 AM EDT By Crispian Balmer PARIS (Reuters) - Thousands of revelers took to the streets on Saturday in France's annual "Gay Pride" parade, cheered by news that top contenders for the 2007 presidential election have softened their opposition to same-sex marriages. Wearing everything from feather boas to skimpy leathers and construction hats, gay rights supporters marched to a techno beat through Paris under the slogan "Equality in 2007." Gay issues leapt on to the political agenda this week after Segolene Royal, the Socialist presidential front-runner, said she supported gay marriages ,in an abrupt policy U-turn. Her main conservative rival, Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, then hinted he might also drop his long-standing opposition by asking the philosopher Luc Ferry to provide him with a report on the implications of such civil unions. The issue of gay marriage caused a stir in France two years ago when a maverick mayor performed the country's first same-sex wedding. The marriage was promptly declared illegal and the conservative government refused appeals to change the law. However, the fact that Roman Catholic neighbor Spain has legalized gay marriages has put pressure on France to review its position, especially in the run-up to the 2007 election, with parties looking to hammer out new, eye-catching manifestos. "It is essential that everybody has equal rights and dignities and the chance to express themselves freely," Royal told the gay magazine Tetu this week. "Opening up marriage to same-sex couples is needed in the name of equality, visibility and respect," she said. Royal, who has four children, also indicated she was open to homosexual couples being given full adoption rights. She used to be much colder toward about gay rights, but her party has just adopted a policy platform that includes gay marriage and adoption, forcing her to review her position. A recent opinion poll said 60 per cent of France supported gay marriage. However, French mayors who officiate at marriages, appear less willing to embrace change with some 12,500, more than one in three, signing a petition against same-sex unions. "Neither Segolene Royal's about turn in favor of this marriage...nor the over-the-top Gay Pride, will change the opinion of those elected at the grass-roots level," said the petition made public on Friday. French law allows basic civil unions between homosexuals but gays argue they are at a disadvantage to heterosexual married couples in terms of taxes, adoption rights and inheritance.
by alfayoko2005
| 2006-06-26 03:24
ファン申請 |