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2007/06/11-07:08 世界最大級のゲイ・パレード=300万人参加、差別なき世界訴え-サンパウロ
【サンパウロ10日時事】ブラジル・サンパウロ市で10日、参加者約300万人(主催者発表)の世界最大級のゲイ・パレードが開催された。今年のテーマは「人種差別、男性優位主義、同性愛者嫌悪のない世界に向けて」。会場となった南米最大のビジネス街パウリスタ大通りは、普段のスーツ姿のサラリーマンに代わり、思い思いの衣装に身を包んだ同性愛者や市民で埋め尽くされた。 Sao Paulo gay pride parade attracts millions The Associated Press Sunday, June 10, 2007 SAO PAULO, Brazil: Millions packed central Sao Paulo for the city's 11th annual gay pride parade, dancing and waving rainbow flags in a carnival-like atmosphere as they condemned homophobia, racism and sexism. At least 3 million people filled the canyonlike Paulista Avenue, organizers said, surpassing last year's count of 2.5 million. A police spokesman who is not authorized to be quoted by name under department rules confirmed the larger turnout. "This is the biggest parade on the planet," Tourism Minister Marta Suplicy said. "Our city is showing, once again, its respect for diversity." Gay pride marches in San Francisco, New York, Berlin and other major world cities have attracted hundreds of thousands, far less than the Sao Paulo turnout. Trucks blasting disco and electronic music rolled through the streets, followed by marchers carrying banners with slogans such as "Dignity for All," and "All Forms of Love Bring Us Closer to God." Parade organizer Nelson Matias Pereira said this year's participants are appealing for a "world where racism, sexism and homophobia, in all their forms, no longer exist." "There is no question the prejudice we have suffered for years has diminished a lot, but it's still there and we still a long way to go," said one marcher, mechanic Sebastiao Pereira Rodrigues, who was wearing black leather shorts and a tight purple T-shirt. Sao Paulo Mayor Gilberto Kassab and Suplicy — an avid supporter of gay rights — addressed the crowd in between live concerts.
by alfayoko2005
| 2007-06-11 13:39
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